Silver Birds Steel Orchestra | Negril, Jamaica
During our stay in Negril, Jamaica we really wanted to here some true steel drum music. We happen to see the Silver Birds Steel Orchestra playing and decided to stick around for the whole show. They were amazing, so much energy, rhythm, & talent in that group. I had my G10 with me so I propped it up on the table and took a couple short videos.
Watch the video and see if you can pick out the songs being played!
Negril, Jamaica
My wife and I went to Negril, Jamaica for our honeymoon back in August. I finally got around to throwing together a little video from the trip! She got me a GoPro Hero for a wedding gift so I figured Jamaica would be a great place to use it! I think she may have regretted getting me the GoPro since I don't think it ever left my side the whole trip :)
The music is from the bartender on the Catamaran cruise (you can see him serving me a drink at 4:00) After the cruise I bought a cd from him that included 20 tracks of some true Jamaican music MON.
Jamaica in Slow | Negril, Jamaica
My lovely wife gave me a GoPro for my wedding gift, so when we went to Jamaica I made sure I used it was much as possible! I have a longer video of the whole vacation but until I post that here is a little short clip to relax you.
Happy Halloween