This thing is awesome! Be sure to check out the making of it after the jump.
ps. I'd like it better if it was a Canon..haha
Behind the scenes photos and info after the jump....
I used a total 4 Alienbee to light this photo (one to the back right of the outside of the picture below)

More portraits after the jump....

Here was my set up for the day. Alienbee Ring Flash with vagabond 2 in backpack

i Love family

Ever since downloading Instagram on a trip to Ohio , I've been addicted to it. I love how simple and easy it is to use. You find someone that interests you just follow them and you get an insight on there life through photos ONLY. All the junk is left out just simple and clean photo uploads. I went through my feed today and grabbed some on my photos that caught my eye and that got some "likes" on my instagram feed.
If you're on Instragram search me under "tyleroxendine" and give me a follow!
All images were taken with my iPhone
Many more photos after the jump.....