I went out with some fellow photographers today to shoot for fun around the city. We did not realize "Mardi GROWL" was going on until we got downtown. There were 500+ people walking the streets with their dogs dressed in Mardi Gras outfits. Here are a couple portraits I took of the pups and their masters.
Ever since downloading Instagram on a trip to Ohio , I've been addicted to it. I love how simple and easy it is to use. You find someone that interests you just follow them and you get an insight on there life through photos ONLY. All the junk is left out just simple and clean photo uploads. I went through my feed today and grabbed some on my photos that caught my eye and that got some "likes" on my instagram feed.
If you're on Instragram search me under "tyleroxendine" and give me a follow!
All images were taken with my iPhone
Many more photos after the jump.....

On a recent trip to Detroit I had many of hours alone driving ( 8 hours to be exact ) and I began to think of a photo project that I could work on while on the road. That's when I began to think of all the transactions one makes while traveling. It's pretty simple, I just photographed every person I had a money transaction with while on my drive from Knoxville to Detroit. I found myself looking for unique places to stop and I actually drove 20 minutes down a country road to try find something different.
I had some great conversations with some of the people I photographed and some just thought I was weird. One of my subjects co-worker's exact quote "Did that guy just take your picture, that is so creepy". I hope to add to this photo project as I travel more. For now I have four individuals that I simply told them what I was doing and asked to take there portrait.
ps. I had the 5D Mark 2 with the 50 1.2L for this trip and ever since returning it I have had total camera envy.

Alabama Fan


Tip Dunn

Tip Dunn 2


How do we allow this?

Unknown Volunteer

Me. Photo credit: Tip Dunn

Neyland Stadium

Neyland Stadium Game Day




Power T

Tip Dunn & Gil Downey




We were tied at this point.... (0-0)

Upper Deck


The End