On a recent trip to Detroit I had many of hours alone driving ( 8 hours to be exact ) and I began to think of a photo project that I could work on while on the road. That's when I began to think of all the transactions one makes while traveling. It's pretty simple, I just photographed every person I had a money transaction with while on my drive from Knoxville to Detroit. I found myself looking for unique places to stop and I actually drove 20 minutes down a country road to try find something different.
I had some great conversations with some of the people I photographed and some just thought I was weird. One of my subjects co-worker's exact quote "Did that guy just take your picture, that is so creepy". I hope to add to this photo project as I travel more. For now I have four individuals that I simply told them what I was doing and asked to take there portrait.
ps. I had the 5D Mark 2 with the 50 1.2L for this trip and ever since returning it I have had total camera envy.