Not sure if I want to add this one to my "Out of the environment" series or not ? I was going for quietness is needed on the golf coarse and in the library. Fun little shoot though, thanks a ton Seth!
I actually liked this outtake from the day and decided to leave it in the final edit
The setup
Here is a little outtake from the recent shoot I did with Seth Manly for a project I'm working on.
Got this little toy for Christmas and just recently got some of the rolls developed.
Pros: Cheap, Super simple
Cons: Need to shoot around 800 iso film and be in broad daylight for decent exposure
Starting a new personal project called "Out of Environment" which is basically people that are in a sport being put into something complete opposite of what they should be in. This is a buddy of mine and a amazing local wakeboarder, Ben Dorton.
This is the first image shot for the series so check back for more photos from different sports and people.
Once again thanks to Adam Scott for the awesome design and new cards!